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Awake Plastic Surgery

Awake Plastic Surgery

Dr. Millicent Geers

Awake Plastic Surgery, also known as Awake Cosmetic Surgery, is cosmetic surgery done while you are awake! You may or may not have some sedating medication to go along with the local anesthesia (numbing medication) during your procedure. The numbing medication makes you comfortable during surgery. The oral sedation is used to add an element of relaxation. Awake Plastic Surgery avoids the risks of general anesthesia. 

Not all Plastic Surgeons have been trained to perform Awake Plastic Surgery and therefore they will not offer this alternative.

Some Plastic Surgeons will criticize or disparage awake surgery techniques because they cannot perform them or are they are inexperienced with these techniques. Dr. Millicent Geers was trained in Awake Surgery. She has safely and successfully performed thousands of cosmetic procedures using the Awake Surgery technique. Some of the procedures Dr. Geers performs with the awake technique include Awake Liposuction, Awake Breast Augmentation, Awake Tummy Tuck, Awake Brazilian Butt Lift, Awake Back Lift, Awake Hand Lift, Awake Facial Rejuvenation, Awake Arm Lift, and Awake Labiaplasty. Dr. Geers offers Awake Plastic Surgery to ensure that you have options when it comes to the type of anesthesia you want with your body contouring procedure. The “awake technique” allows you to avoid the risks of general anesthesia. 

For some people, Awake Plastic Surgery may not be the route.

There are some patients who do not want to be aware of any aspect of their procedure or who have difficulties getting numb with local anesthesia. For these patients, general anesthesia is the better alternative. As Dr. Geers has been trained to perform surgery with either local anesthesia and/or general anesthesia, she can offer you the anesthesia plan that is best for you. Dr. Geers will help you determine which type of anesthesia is best for you. Call 719-633-5255 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Geers.

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Awake Breast Augmentation

Awake Breast Augmentation

Dr. Millicent Geers

Awake Breast Augmentation is cosmetic breast enhancement performed while under local anesthesia. It is sometimes also referred to as Awake Natural Breast Augmentation or Awake Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation. Because the anesthesia is local, rather than general, you will be awake throughout the procedure. Sometimes Plastic Surgeons combine the local anesthesia with a mild sedative to put their patients at ease.

This local anesthesia is also known as Tumescent Anesthesia. It is the same numbing medication used for liposuction. This type of anesthesia provides pain relief without requiring you to fully succumb to an unconscious state.

If you are a candidate for a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation, you will also benefit from liposuction.

Talk about a dream come true – “Take my fat from here and add it there.” With Awake Breast Augmentation, your fat is removed via liposuction, rinsed, and then gently injected into your breasts. If you are a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Candidate, you can increase your breasts up to one cup size and sometimes up to two cup sizes. How much increase you will get depends on a few factors, including the volume of fat you possess to contribute and the amount of space your breasts have to accept the fat. Since your body will reabsorb some of the added fat, it may be necessary to undergo an additional procedure to achieve your desired appearance.

After breast augmentation with local anesthesia, most patients can walk out of the operating room of their own accord! 

Additionally, with Awake Breast Augmentation, without the general anesthesia drugs in your system, you will recover from Awake Augmentation more quickly and easily. This approach avoids the nausea and disorientation associated with general anesthesia. Awake Anesthesia allows a patient to walk, eat and perform other essential tasks more quickly after surgery. The local anesthetic injected into the breasts serves as a pain reliever once the surgery is completed. You also decrease your risk of having deadly blood clots with local anesthesia versus general anesthesia.

If you are interested in enhancing your bustline without using breast implants, call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule your consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. 

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Awake Liposuction in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Awake Liposuction in Colorado Springs

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

If you are considering having Liposuction in Colorado Springs or Liposuction in Monument, Colorado to achieve your body contouring goals, you have probably heard of the term “Awake Liposuction.” Awake Liposuction in Colorado Springs is an excellent alternative for people for whom the thought of being “put under” for a surgical procedure is anxiety-inducing. Even if the thought of general anesthesia does not induce anxiety, there are many advantages to having your liposuction completed with local anesthesia versus general anesthesia. You can read more about those advantages here.

That said, there are some naysayers when it comes to the Awake Liposuction procedure. Why? Most of the opposition to Awake Liposuction boils down to who, specifically the type of doctor, is performing your Awake Liposuction procedure. The majority of issues and complications that plague Awake Liposuction are due to the fact that non-Plastic Surgeons (Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Family Medicine Physicians, Emergency Room Physicians, Radiologists, and other non-Plastic Surgeons) are performing the procedure, and are not due to the fact that the Liposuction is being done while you are awake. Let’s dig deeper.

Choose a Plastic Surgeon over a Cosmetic Surgeon

Plastic Surgeons are the only type of surgeons allowed to perform cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in hospitals or certified surgery centers, unfortunately, they are not the only type of surgeons allowed to perform liposuction (or breast augmentation, or other cosmetic plastic surgery procedures)!

Plastic Surgeons

Bona fide Plastic Surgeons have trained for a minimum of five years to become a Plastic Surgeon. Colorado Springs Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, completed a 7-year Plastic Surgery Residency and then elected to augment her reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery training with a purely cosmetic surgery-focused yearlong Advanced Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Fellowship in Beverly Hills, CA. Plastic Surgeons are the only type of surgeons allowed to perform all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in hospitals or certified surgery centers. Let’s repeat — Plastic Surgeons are the only type of surgeons allowed to perform all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in hospitals or certified surgery centers. This means that Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Geers can perform your liposuction procedure at a hospital or at an accredited surgery center if you prefer general anesthesia or at her office-based surgery room at Flying Horse Medical Center if you prefer Awake Liposuction. Both options are safe and will provide you with successful results. With Dr. Geers, the location of your liposuction procedure depends on your preference and your disposition toward being awake during surgery.

Cosmetic Surgeons

Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Family Medicine Physicians, Emergency Room Physicians, Radiologists, and other non-Plastic Surgeons are allowed to perform liposuction. How? These physicians pay for a weekend-course in liposuction (or breast augmentation, etc.), label themselves “Cosmetic Surgeons,” and then start performing cosmetic procedures without the training of what do when complications arise or the experience of performing hundreds of liposuction procedures supervised before going out and performing liposuction solo.  Liposuction is not simply sucking out fat. There are nuances. A weekend-course is no substitute for years of surgical training in not only what to do and but also (and perhaps more importantly) what not to do. And because non-Plastic Surgeons cannot get privileges or credentials to perform Plastic Surgery procedures in a hospital or a certified surgery center, they have no choice but to perform cosmetic procedures in their office—awake. And this is how Awake Liposuction gets a bad rep—when it is assumed that those offering Awake Liposuction are non-Plastic Surgeons since non-Plastic Surgeons can not offer you Liposuction at a hospital or surgery center. 

Awake Plastic Surgery Specialist – Dr. Millicent Geers

There are a select number of fully-trained, highly-experienced Plastic Surgeons, like Dr. Geers, who specialize in Awake Surgery, including Awake Liposuction. Why wouldn’t all Plastic Surgeons want to perform Awake Liposuction? Some don’t like talking to patients during surgery. Some think an awake patient is distracting. But most frequently, many more simply weren’t trained in how to perform awake Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, and therefore they don’t offer that alternative to their patients. Dr. Geers was trained in Awake Surgery. Dr. Geers offers Awake Liposuction to ensure that her patients have options when it comes to they type of anesthesia they want with liposuction. In fact, the majority of Dr. Geers’ procedures are carried out with her “awake technique,” allowing you to avoid the risks of general anesthesia. 

Schedule your Consultation

If you are interested in having a fat-reduction operation that does not involve the risks of general anesthesia, Awake Liposuction with Dr. Geers may be the perfect choice for you. Call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers enjoys educating patients about Plastic Surgery so that they can make a truly informed decision about how to proceed. Dr. Geers had helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they desire. 100% silicone scar gel, compression garments, healing supplements, and all postoperative appointments are all included with your liposuction surgery.  Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide written, detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to best take care of your treated areas after surgery. Dr. Geers’ patients receive her undivided attention with personalized care from start to finish. Contact Flying Horse Medical Center today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs and Monument, CO. The best liposuction results in Colorado Springs and Monument, CO are just a phone call away!

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FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs

Plastic Surgery at Flying Horse Medical Center

FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs

Plastic Surgery at Flying Horse Medical Center

Millicent Odunze Geers, MD, MPH

What is a FUPA?

FUPA is an acronym for Fatty Upper Pubic urea. (Though some people substitute the word “pubic” for another P-word)! A FUPA occurs when you have extra fat on your mons pubis (a.k.a pubic area). The mons pubis is the area where your pubic hair grows. Childbirth, aging, excess weight, and genetics can all contribute to extra fat in this area. Fat can also accumulate here after an abdominal surgery, like a C-section. FUPA Liposuction in Colorado Springs, also known as FUPA Surgery, is the solution for a “chubby” pubic area. If you are self-conscious about your pubic area when wearing fitted clothes, leggings, workout pants, lingerie, or a swimsuit, then FUPA Liposuction may be the right fit for you!

FUPAs are actually really, really common. Often FUPAs are hidden by an overhanging tummy. Many women don’t even notice their FUPA until they lose abdominal weight. But because no one wants to talk about having a chubby pubic area, many women might keep their concerns to themselves.

Is it normal to have a FUPA?

Having a FUPA is nothing to be embarrassed about. For many people, having a layer of fat over their upper pubic area is a natural part of their body shape. Like any other area of the body with fat, a FUPA may fluctuate with weight loss and gain. And like any other area of your body with extra fat, liposuction can be used to reduce FUPA volume—if your FUPA makes you self-conscious. Unfortunately, there are no spot-reduction exercises for FUPAs.

How do you get rid of a FUPA?

The FUPA is one of the easiest areas on the entire body to treat with Liposuction. In less than 1 hour, the extra fat making you self-conscious in leggings, tight jeans, underwear, and bikini bottoms can be significantly reduced. This can be done with usually only two tiny incisions. FUPA liposuction can be safely performed while you are awake and comfortable under local anesthesia. Awake Liposuction avoids the risks and recovery associated with general anesthesia. There is no need to recover from surgery AND anesthesia for FUPA liposuction. Colorado Springs Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Millicent Geers is one of the few Plastic Surgeons who has had specialized training for Awake Plastic Surgery.
So, what are you waiting for??? 

Where can I go for FUPA Liposuction?

Call Flying Horse Medical Center at 719-633-5255 to schedule a no pressure Plastic Surgery consultation with Colorado Springs female Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers. Dr. Geers is a great resource for learning about all kinds of plastic surgery procedures. She has helped countless people achieve the safe, natural, successful results they want. Additionally, Dr. Geers and her team provide detailed before and after surgery instructions to help you best prepare for your surgery and to help you best take care of your treated areas at home to achieve the best result. Silicone scar gel, a compression garment, healing supplements, and all preoperative and postoperative appointments are all part of your all-inclusive plastic surgery package. Contact Dr. Geers today for top-rated Liposuction in Colorado Springs! The best Liposuction results in Colorado Springs are just a phone call away.