Brazilian Butt Lift | Fat Transfer to the Butt

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What is a Fat Transfer To The Butt (Brazilian Butt Lift)

Removing fat from areas where you don’t want it (abdomen, love handles, back, sacrum, thighs, etc.) with Liposuction and then adding that fat to your buttocks can round out your buttocks shape, taking you from flab to fab. This surgery is known as a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL for short.

There’s a misconception that a BBL has to look fake, exaggerated, or overdone. This is simply not true. The best work is undetectable. Natural-looking results follow Dr. Millicent Geers’ plastic surgery motto, “Look Lucky, Not Done.” When it comes to Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, proportion is essential. To avoid looking fake, exaggerated, or overdone, you buttocks should look proportional to the rest of your body—not like two cake pops on sticks. Your thighs should be proportional to your buttocks which should be proportional to your waists and hips. A BBL should blend in seamlessly and proportionally into the surrounding areas.

Dr. Geers is a highly skilled Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Lift Plastic Surgeon. Additionally, Dr. Geers is one of the few Colorado Springs and Monument Plastic Surgeons who is a specialist in VASERLipo. Dr. Geers uses VASER Liposuction to gently remove the fat that will be used for your Brazilian Butt Lift. Using the VASER in conjunction with liposuction gives the added benefit of skin tightening.

Natural-looking enhancement is the goal for all of Dr. Geers’ patients. Natural results require finesse and experience. You can see Dr. Geers patients’ natural-looking BBL results by clicking here and Dr. Geers patients’ natural-looking Liposuction results here

Why Would You Choose To Have A Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift procedure can help you overcome the effects of genetics by contouring and reshaping the buttocks and the surrounding areas that include the love handles, hips, lower back and thighs. Here are just a few benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift:

  • Contour and enhance the curves of your lower body
  • Remove and reduce the appearance of fat pockets that appear on your belly, love handles, sacrum, thighs, and hips while creating fullness to the buttocks
  • Enhance the shape of a flat buttocks while creating a more youthfully and aesthetically pleasing shape
  • Help clothing fit the way you would like to see it fit your shape
  • Improve and enhance the overall balance between your upper and lower body proportions
Best Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) - Plastic Surgery

How Is A (BBL) Performed?

A Brazilian Butt Lift procedure involves a few steps to help you achieve your body goals.

  • Dr. Geers removes the fat from your love handles, sacrum, hips, lower back, thighs, and/or abdomen via Liposuction.
  • The harvested fat is then cleansed and prepared to be transferred to your buttocks.
  • Dr. Geers then strategically injects and molds the harvested fat into specific areas of your buttocks to create contour and increase volume to improve shape.

This procedure is typically an outpatient procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. Patients are awake and comfortable and do no have to navigate the risks associated with general anesthesia. This is known as Awake Brazilian Butt Lift.

Post Procedure

What Does Recovery Look Like After A Brazilian Butt Lift?

This procedure requires special accommodations for your recovery. While pain is minimal and can be controlled with pain medication, you will not be able to sit directly on your buttocks for about 6 weeks after a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. Dr. Geers’ provides a special roll to facilitate sitting without flattening your newly rounded derriere.

During the recovery time, it will also be recommended that you sleep and lie on your stomach and stand for all activities, outside of using the restroom. Dr. Geers will let you know you’ll be allowed to modify these instructions. Normal sitting activities and back sleeping are permitted usually after the 6- to 8-week mark.

Why Can’t I Sit On My Butt After BBL Surgery?

You cannot sit or lie on your buttocks immediately after BBL surgery to avoid ruining your newly rounded buttocks. Sitting or lying on your buttocks restricts blood flow to the newly transferred fat. Reduced blood flow means a reduced amount of fat that survives. In the best conditions, 50 to 80% of the transferred fat will survive the fat transfer process.

In addition to killing off fat, premature pressure on your fresh BBL ruins the contour. Think of a ball of Play-doh. Now sit on that ball of Play-doh. The ball of Play-doh is no longer a ball, but a pancake. You didn’t endure BBL surgery for a bigger, but flat butt, right? Waiting for at least 6 weeks after BBL to sit on you butt or sleep on your back minimizes the flattening effects of pressure. The most crucial time to protect that fat is those first six weeks after surgery.


For more information reach out at (719) 633-5255 or schedule your Consultation with Dr. Geers!

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