Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments

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Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments at Flying Horse Medical Center

Forever Young BBL™ Photofacial  treats sun damage, brown spots, freckles, fine lines, broken capillaries and redness such as rosacea of the face, neck, and body with Broad Band Light (BBL) therapy. Recommend 3 treatments initially, followed by regular maintenance treatments to maintain results.

Votiva™ Fractora: Votiva Fractora is a fractional resurfacing treatment using Radio Frequency microneedling, which reduces deep and fine wrinkles with an overall tightening and lifting of the skin and improvement of acne scarring. Can be used anywhere on the body for an overall tighter and firmer look to the skin.  Recommend 3 treatments with regular maintenance to maintain results.

BBL Hair Reduction can minimize hair growth over a course of 5-10 treatments. Consultation is needed to determine treatment areas, number of treatments and your personal goals.

e-Matrix: Sublative technology utilizing radio-frequency to tighten and resurface skin while reducing both deep and fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars with minimal downtime. Recommend 3 treatments initially, followed by regular treatments to maintain results.

*Laser Packages are available at reduced pricing! Schedule a FREE Consultation today to develop a skin care plan to address your specific needs!

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